Things To Do Together


Do things together with her, especially exercise! Swimming and walking are fantastic for pregnant women. Inviting her out for a walk is one way of encouraging her to do the right things for herself. Ask your doctor or nurse-midwife.

Attend Prenatal Screens

Prenatal screens measure the level-of-risk for certain problems. They do not necessarily tell your health care provider whether you or your baby have any problems. For example, a breast self-exam is a screen. If you find a lump, you won't know if you have cancer. You still need a diagnostic test a mammogram or biopsy to know for certain.

A common pregnancy screening includes your health care provider's questions about family health history, your health, and the kinds of chemicals and substances to which you have been exposed. Depending on your answers, diagnostic tests might be recommended.

Other common pregnancy screenings include a maternal serum screen, or "multiple marker screen," and blood tests for risks of spina bifida, Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. If the results are abnormal, your health care provider will offer more testing, or perhaps an ultrasound or amniocentesis (withdrawing some of the fluid around your baby and checking the cells).

Most of the time, your baby is fine, even if a screening result is abnormal. Screenings are often optional. You and your health care provider can discuss whether certain screens are right for you.

Take a Class

A partner's role during labor is larger than most people expected. Attending classes together is a great way of bonding, and you will both feel more confident when your big day arrives. Doing some additional reading and research on your own is also a great idea. (You're doing it right now. Nice Work!)

Eat Right

Mother needs to begin eating well right now, so try and support her by joining-in. Expectant fathers need energy, too! Establishing healthy eating patterns will one-day become a good example for your child.

Don't Smoke

Second-hand smoke can cause health problems for babies and mothers. Try to quit if you can, or cut down. If you must smoke, do it outdoors...away from your partner.

Be Patient

Your partner's moods are powerfully affected by the change in hormone-levels, and this is perfectly natural. Understanding, patience and tolerance from you will aid both of you in managing these changes more successfully.

Reassure Her

An expectant mother is often concerned about how welcome her baby is to the father. Show her that you're excited! Letting her see your excitement can be very reassuring.

Make Plans

Big, big changes for in store for you both. Listen to her ideas about the upcoming year, and share your own.

Take Time Off

Some Dads are able to temporarily alter their work hours to spend some extra time with Baby and Mom during the days and weeks after the birth. These are especially good times for the baby to spend together with both of you. New babies have a way of interrupting the sleep patterns of their parents, so try to work together on this!