Dad's Corner

You're Going to be a Father...Congratulations!

You're excited, and you're concerned. You're overjoyed, and overwhelmed. You're on your way to fatherhood!

Just the same way that a woman experiences emotional and physical changes during pregnancy, changes are also in store for you. We wish to take this opportunity to encourage you to be as involved in this pregnancy as possible, and search for ways to be as helpful during this time. Your concerns and questions may be quite different from your partner's. This only makes sense, since she's experiencing this pregnancy in a very real, physical way that you can only observe and sympathize with. However, this doesn't mean that your experience during pregnancy is insignificant.

You're Going Through Stages:

Be patient with yourself. Studies indicate that typically, new fathers-to-be feel overwhelmed with feelings such as jubilation, acceptance and responsibility.

The idea that life will never be the same again, can cause uncertainty and angst:

  • Will I be able to support my child financially?
  • How can I deal with my partner's mood swings and emotional needs?
  • What if I don't know what to do during labor?
  • Will seeing the birth be exciting or will it make me sick?
  • What if my relationship with my partner is never the same?
  • Will she ever have time to focus just on me again?
  • Will I be a good father?
  • How can I handle all this responsibility?
  • What if my baby isn't healthy?
  • Will my partner stay well and be OK?

These are all very normal feelings for an expectant father. They're signs that you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing experiencing the feelings of becoming a parent. Your diet, lifestyle and attitude can be a major influence on how healthy this baby will be. You can actively begin taking care of your new family now.