Supporting Mom

Pregnancy is a time of great physical and emotional change. While you won't experience the physical change yourself, you'll see tremendous change in your partner. You'll notice mood changes and emotional unpredictability in her, too and you'll experience emotional shifts of your own. This is all part of the natural process of becoming a parent.

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each with its own characteristics.

Here are some hints about what she may need from you:

First Trimester (Weeks 1-13)

  • If your partner is trying to quit smoking, support her by not smoking yourself. (If you must, smoke outside)
  • Help her find time for naps and extra sleep.
  • To help reduce morning sickness, bring her crackers and water before she gets out of bed.
  • Show her how excited you are about your baby.
  • Support her efforts to quit smoking, avoid drugs or alcohol, and limit caffeine in her diet.

Second Trimester (Weeks 14-26)

  • Express to her that you understand that her rapidly changing moods and strong emotions are a natural part of pregnancy.
  • Support her efforts to plan and prepare for your baby.
  • Attend her prenatal visits with her and get to know her Doctor.
  • Go to breastfeeding preparation classes with her. Research shows that partner support is one of the most important factors in successful breastfeeding.

Third Trimester (Weeks-27-40+)

  • Allow her to talk through her feelings. Expect her to feel impatient, worried, uncertain and excited.
  • Go to childbirth classes with her and practice relaxation and breathing techniques for labor.
  • Support her efforts to continue proper exercise and nutrition.
  • If sexual intercourse becomes challenging toward the end of the pregnancy, find inventive ways to express your physical love.